Crush Diabetes with these Tips of 2018 (Updated)
Diabetes is a widespread disease, which occurs when the level of blood glucose or commonly known as blood sugar in someone's body, is very high. Glucose is obtained from the foods you eat and it's the primary source of energy for our body. Our body tightly regulates the level of blood glucose as a part of metabolic homeostasis.
Insulin hormone, produced by the pancreas in our body, is responsible for leveling the blood glucose by taking it to the body cells where it is utilized for energy. Diabetes can occur if your body does not produce enough insulin or your body cells don't properly utilize the glucose or both. In any of these cases, the glucose level in your body elevates to a high amount.
Patients who have the high blood sugar problem typically experience:
Frequent urination (polyuria).
Become excessively thirsty (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia).
And with the passage of time, high blood sugar in the body can cause many serious health problems including damaging the kidneys, eyes, and nerves.
Also, it may cause you heart problems, stroke, and in the worst case, may require removing a limb.
Types of Diabetes :
Diabetes can broadly be categorized into three types that are Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational. Types of Diabetes depends on the utilization of glucose and production of Insulin in your body.
Type 1 Diabetes
If your body doesn't make Insulin at all, blood glucose level will rise, this is generally referred to as Type 1 Diabetes. The reason why your body doesn't make Insulin could be because of your immune system that attacks and annihilates the cells in the pancreas that produce Insulin. Sometimes, the immune system mistakenly produces antibodies and inflammatory cells directed to cause damage to the patient's own tissues.
Generally, Type 1 Diabetes is diagnosed in young adults and children, still, it can appear at any age. This type of Diabetes is less common and more people are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes than the Type 1. Patients with Type 1 Diabetes have to take regular Insulin injections throughout their life to stay alive.
Type 2 Diabetes
This type of Diabetes occurs when the body doesn't produce sufficient Insulin or cells in the body don't properly utilize the blood glucose. Type 2 Diabetes can occur at any age even in childhood, but it mostly occurs in the older or middle-aged people. It is the most common type of Diabetes as most of the diabetic patients around the world are having Type 2 Diabetes.
Although Type 2 Diabetes can be controlled through healthy diet, regular exercises and keeping an eye on the blood sugar level, however, it is progressive and its effects increase with time. As compared to people with a fit body, obese people have a greater risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Overweight, unhealthy eating, Drinking non-diet soda, and physical inactivity are the major risk factors for developing Type 2 Diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes :
Apart from Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, there is another type of Diabetes, known as Gestational Diabetes, which occurs in pregnant women. Although, it can be controlled through healthy diet and regular exercises, and in few cases, the patient may require taking Diabetes-controlling-medicine. But if the level of blood glucose in a pregnant woman increases very high, it may cause complications in delivery.
Here, we focus on the symptoms and prevention's of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, which are more common, hazardous and spreading at an alarming rate.
Symptoms of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
The early Symptoms of un diagnosed Diabetes include an increased level of blood glucose and presence of glucose in urine. High levels of glucose in urine cause frequent urination, which further leads to dehydration.
Because of dehydration, you experience increased thirst.
With an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin, you experience weight-loss.
You always feel excessively hungry.
It is also observed that some untreated Diabetic patients complain of fatigue.
Apart from fatigue, patients can face vomiting and nausea.
Frequent infections may occur which don't go easily (like bladder infections, skin infection, and infections in vaginal areas). Such problems are more likely to occur in people with untreated or badly-controlled Diabetes.
Patients with untreated Diabetes can face blurred vision because of fluctuations in blood sugar.
Excessive levels of blood glucose can cause lethargy, and in the worst case, the patient can go into the coma.
Prevention of Diabetes
People with a high risk of developing the Type 2 Diabetes, which is the most common one, can minimize the risk by changing their lifestyle choices. The best way to keep the risk of Diabetes at bay is by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help preventing Type 2 Diabetes. So, eating healthy foods, becoming physically active and keeping a healthy weight, all can help you reduce the risk of Diabetes. Such simple changes in your lifestyle can also help you prevent many problems related to kidney, heart, and nerve that come along with diabetes.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) provided some guidelines to prevent the Diabetes:
Eating fiber-rich food: Consumption of fiber-rich diet helps in reducing Diabetes risk by controlling the blood glucose. Apart from this, it also reduces the risk of heart diseases. Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, beans, fruits, nuts, etc.
Becoming physically active: By adopting an active lifestyle, people can reduce the risk of Diabetes. Regular exercises and physical activities, is the key to reduce blood glucose level, get a healthy weight, and increase body's sensitivity to Insulin.
Avoid eating sugary foods: Because of the high glycemic index, sugary beverages and foods can cause Type 2 Diabetes.
Avoiding smoking: Studies suggest that smokers have 50% more risks of getting Diabetes than who don't smoke.
Moderate consumption of alcohol: In order to reduce the risk of Diabetes, moderate consumption of alcohol is suggested. But for non-alcoholics, this can be achieved by changing the lifestyle.
Don't put on extra weight: Excess weight can increase the risk of Diabetes. People with excess weight have 7 times higher risk of getting Diabetes.
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